I dreamed to become your mum and here you are!

And now…
I’m incredibly tired, I’m tired of being sad, I’m sad of being alone, I’m alone without any me time, but I don’t even enjoy a me time because I don’t feel myself anymore.
I feel I’m failing, this is what my mind tried to convince me while I’m deeply falling into a hole.
A hole of sadness, of loneliness, a hole that left me farer than ever from everyone, even from myself, even from you my baby.

Am I selfish? Am I weak? What’s wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way?
I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can even feel this physically, sometimes I feel this anxiety tries to get out of my chest, I can’t bond with you my little baby, I am constantly worrying about you, I’m such a bad mum, I’m sorry for this, I’m worthless, I can’t stop crying.
I’m afraid of sharing this with someone, what are they going to think of me?
Why is this happening to me?
Why am I so sad?

Someone told me this is called baby blues, but you have been here for weeks already and I’m not feeling any better.
Am I always going to feel so sad?

If this is your case, if you can relate to these feelings for weeks, please listen!
You are incredibly strong! You are the best ever mother for your baby, you may need help, that’s all, this is not about your strength, your capacity as a mother, this is something related to your health.
Nobody will blame a diabetic person for having diabetes, this is the same, if you think you might be suffering from postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety, seek for help, because you deserve to feel better.
Is this society ready to stop stigmatisation of postpartum depression?
How are you really feeling as a mother?
Someone feeling this way?