Dear husband: I need more attention and affection from you than ever before

When we met, I was independent, confident, adventurous and free. I was ready for new challenges, I was focused on my career, I was dedicated to taking care of my health and fitness. I wanted to travel, go out to dinners and have drinks with friends.

Four years and two kids later, I am different. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I would change anything about our lives together, especially anything about our two precious babies, but I need you to know that I am not the same. And I need to know you can handle that and that you’ll still love me.

You see, I have never “needed” much from another person, let alone a man. So it’s hard for me to admit that I need this kind of reassurance from you. But, my love, I am knocked off kilter. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can’t set my own compass straight and I am constantly teetering on the edge of nostalgia and a new version of myself that I haven’t quite yet identified.

In my past, I have dreamt about this beautiful family we now have, but I am realizing I never quite thought about what I would identify with in this phase… what would make me, me.

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