Couple Has 3 Sets Of Twins In 5 Years After Being Told They Can’t Have Kids, They All Share The Same Birthday

The Couple Believed In The Power Of Adoption
Interestingly, talks of adoption were quite new for the couple. They had initially planned on having biological kids. If that failed, they would move on to adoption.

“We just felt like that was what God wanted us to do, so we decided to put our own plans down and pursue the plan that God had for us and that was to adopt first.”

The first of their adopted children, JJ and CeCe, were born on the 28th of February, 2013- by emergency C-section. After that, Kenna and Adalynn- were born on the 28th of February, 2014- again by C-Section. These were two sets of biological twins from the same mother.

In 2016, Carrie gave birth to another set of twins through IVF. And interestingly, they were born on the 28th of February as well. Their original due date was June 16, 2016, but Carrie’s water broke at 19 weeks. After six weeks of hospital bed rest, she gave birth to twins Clarissa and Karraline by, this is no surprise, emergency C-section.

Carrie, on her part, knows that having 6 kids can lead to quite a ruckus. “There is never a dull moment in my house. All three sets of twins were born by emergency C-section. I get that question a lot. ‘Did you plan it? It was a C-section. It must have been planned.’ No. Mine was at 24 weeks. I did not plan on them being born at 24 weeks.”