Awe-inspiring breech births captured on camera

Every birth is wondrous – what our bodies are capable of is truly mind-blowing. And then there are women who labour against incredible odds, that leave us in complete, jaw-dropping awe. These are some of the most breathtaking vaginal breech birth photos we’ve ever seen, proving that each birth is a miracle.

breech vaginal birth

We’ve featured some inspiring birth photography at Babyology, including showing the incredible moments immediately after birth. But we wanted to train the spotlight on vaginal breech birth photography, an absolute eye-opener to those of us who have never witnessed one.

Most of us have heard of breech babies – when our little ones are facing bottom down in utero heading towards the pointy end of pregnancy. Some mums-to-be choose to try and have their baby turned while still in the womb, via external cephalic version – we’ve previously featured a video of an Australian doctor performing this amazing technique.

In Australia, about 90 per cent of breech babies are born via c-section, however there are many women who birth their breech babies vaginally. We put a call out to some of the world’s leading birth photographers to share their vaginal breech birth photos with us, and we are floored by the beautiful photos we received.