A change is always tough, but with so much contradicting information about diet and how to eat healthy even I get confused sometimes.

I’ve been eating healthy most of my life. Yet, lately I’m wondering – does the keto work, or the paleo diet or should I go vegan? What is the best diet?

It’s like if you don’t choose one of these options, better don’t even start or you’re gonna crash and burn and regret you ever ate an apple.

Don’t even dare.

But here’s the good news:

You can improve your health without following any of these diets. And that’s the way to do it LONG-TERM.

In fact, I’d say, if you wanna improve your health and lose weight – DON’T follow a strict diet. A diet can easily turn into an obsession and even make you gain weight. But that’s a whole other topic and I’ll talk about it another time.

Adopting a healthy diet can have multiple benefits, for example:

Weight loss. Key to weight loss, on any diet, is to be consuming less calories than you’re burning during the day. Healthy foods are usually lower in calories than junk food, which makes it easier to stay in a caloric deficit, needed to help you lose weight.

Better mood & improved mental health. Healthy foods contain antioxidants and essential nutrients we need to keep the brain and nervous system happy.
Improved gut health. The fiber and antioxidants found in whole foods can help the good gut bacteria multiply.

A well functioning immune system. Just like with better mood, your immune system needs the antioxidants and nutrients found in real food to function properly.

Prevention of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer
Delaying the aging process. We age mostly because of accumulation of oxidative stress over time. The way to combat oxidative stress is to of course live a healthier life, but also to consume more antioxidants. As mentioned you can find antioxidants in whole natural foods.
Reduced chronic inflammation. A healthy diet, loaded with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and occasionally fish here and there is anti-inflammatory. Thus it can help you reduce chronic inflammation, which is linked to the development of major chronic diseases. You can read more about how to reduce inflammation in the body here.